As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, keeping your furry friend active and happy can pose a challenge. However, fret not! At Urban Pooch Canine Life Center and Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center, we have crafted the perfect solution to ensure your pup remains in high spirits throughout the cold season - both physically and mentally. Let's dive into the three key areas that will keep your dog HAPPY and engaged:     

The Benefits of Doggy Daycare     

When the winter chill sets in, it's not just humans who experience a decline in outdoor activities; our four-legged friends are affected too. That's where our state-of-the-art doggy daycare facility at 4501 N Ravenswood steps in to save the day. With a sprawling space and a team of trained professionals, your pup can experience the joys of socializing, playing, and getting much-needed mental and physical exercise.     

The benefits extend beyond mere playtime. Regular attendance at our daycare ensures that your dog becomes comfortable with the surroundings and familiar faces. By interacting with the same furry friends on a consistent schedule, your pup can focus on the FUN experiences rather than being distracted by newcomers in the group. This structured environment promotes a sense of routine, for both comfort and stimulation, which is especially crucial during the dreary winter months! Check out our package deals and daycare requirements here.     

At Urban Pooch Training & Fitness Center at 5400 N Damen - we also offer the very exciting option of Enrichment Daycare - an enhanced premium daycare service. In Enrichment, we tailor your Pooch's experience and adapt the activities and games to their unique personalities and needs.  Part of the magic of Enrichment is that we match your pooch with other dogs of a similar play style - all in very small groups of 5-8 dogs. Check out more details here.     

Interactive Toys Give a Mental Workout to Your Pup     

With outdoor playtime limited during the chilly months, indoor mental stimulation is crucial for your dog's well-being. Our selection of interactive toys, including lick mats, puzzle toys, and more, offers a fantastic alternative to chilly long walks and fetch sessions. These toys provide mental challenges that keep your pup engaged and prevent boredom!     

Licki-mats, for instance, not only offer a tasty treat but also encourage problem-solving as your dog works to extract every last tasty bite. Puzzle toys challenge their cognitive abilities, providing entertainment and mental exercise simultaneously. As a bonus, introducing these toys can be an excellent way to strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend as you both explore the joy of problem-solving together - not to mention they will be tired and ready for a cozy cuddle with you afterward. Our retail stores keep these fun toys in stock year-round so make sure to stop by or shop online!     


Training Classes For a Well-Behaved and Happy Pup     

Investing is an excellent way to ensure they become the MOST well-behaved and loving member of the family. Our obedience training classes focus on essential commands, creating a harmonious living environment. A well-behaved dog is a happy dog, and the bond between pet and owner strengthens with each successful command.     

For those looking to take training a step further, our trick classes offer an exciting avenue for mental stimulation. Teaching your pup new tricks not only provides them with mental challenges but also reinforces the bond between you and your furry companion. As you work together to master these tricks, you'll witness a boost in your dog's confidence and happiness! If you are interested in all that our classes offer, give our team a call!     

With our comprehensive approach to winter care, your pup can thrive even when outdoor activities are limited. From the stimulating environment of our doggy daycare to the mental workout provided by interactive toys and the skill-building opportunities in our training classes, we have every aspect covered!