This weekend is Chicago’s annual “Air & Water Show” along the lakefront.
The Blue Angels who were absent from last year’s show will be back this year. These jets create sudden & piercing noises especially from the sonic booms flying up and down the lakefront and over The North Side of Chicago.
You can clearly hear the jets inside of most houses and all around the neighborhoods.
The show runs Friday through Sunday with the loud jet and sonic boom noises, which can create high anxiety and stress in many pooches with all of the loud noises coming from these jets.
While your pooch is at Urban Pooch – if they are bothered by the noises, we do our best to comfort them and often turn on our exhaust fans which muffle these outside noises, often helping to calm them down.
If you are searching for something to help calm your pooch down at home – We have a few different items which can help and can even be used in combination.
Thunder Shirt – the patented design applies a gentle, constant pressure that has a dramatic calming effect for over 80% of dogs. We Love this product!

LICKS – Calming Aid – holistic remedy – these easy, pill-free LiquiPaks mix with water or food and taste great – giving your dog 98% absorption of the calming effect vs. 10-20% with pills. We Highly Recommend this product.

Rescue Remedy – Natural Stress Drops for relief for Pets