We offer multiple Puppy Classes each week including Puppy Play Zone, Puppy Enrichment, Urban Pooch Puppy FUNdamentals (AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy), Puppy Cooperative Care, Puppy Pre-Agility, Puppy Agility & Junior Dog! Whether you are looking to socialize your pup, teach them obedience or even start them off on the right paw in the world of dog sports, we have the classes that will make your pooch a true champion!
Puppy Play Zone | Urban Pooch Puppy FUNdamentals | Puppy Cooperative Care | Junior Dog | Puppy Pre- Agility | Items to Bring to Class
Policy on Payment, Refunds & Cancellation
More than just a “puppy mosh pit,” our Puppy Play Zone offers a safe, well-rounded, and trainer-approved socialization experience for puppies between 8-16 weeks old, a critical period for developing confidence, social skills, and an “optimistic” worldview. Your puppy will have the opportunity to run and play off leash with other dogs their age, while you practice essential puppy-parenting skills like reading canine body language, recognizing over-arousal, and knowing when and how to give your pup a break!
In addition to group play, you and your puppy will also participate in “parallel play” activities designed to build confidence, reduce fixation on other dogs and people, and prepare your Urban Puppy for life in the big city.
Age Requirements: This class is designed for dogs between the ages of 8-weeks and 16-weeks old. Once a dog is older than 16-weeks they can no longer participate in Puppy Play Zone.
Policy On Number of People Allowed Per Dog: For right now were are limiting the number of students per dog to 2 person per dog. This is due to the COVID19 pandemic.
Vaccination & Health Requirements: Click here to view our vaccination requirements. We require clients to provide proof of age-relevant vaccinations and proof of a negative fecal sample test* prior to scheduling their first session. Puppy health records are often incomplete or sparse of information. This gives our staff time to review the information and inform clients if different records are needed prior to a dog being able to attend class. Records can be emailed to info@urbanpoochtraining.com Clients who do not provide sufficient paperwork as detailed above will not be able to participate in this program.
*Please ensure paperwork regarding a fecal sample test actually lists the results of the test. We cannot consider the document sufficient proof of being negative for parasites, worms, etc. without the result listed in some manner (“negative,” “nps,” “npv,” “clear,” etc). Often the results of a fecal sample test take 24-48 hours to return so make sure after the result is known that your vet’s office sends you the results in a way our staff can verify.
Cost: $25/session. Clients must pre-register and prepay class. LIMIT 6 dogs per class.
Duration: 45-Minutes/Session
Class Dates: Puppy Play Zone is offered on the following days/times:
Sundays @ 9:15am
Wednesdays @ 5:15pm (Starting 3/12/25)
Saturdays at 8:15am
Purchase A Pass: If you are a current client who has already completed a training intake form and submitted all required health records for your puppy (ages 8 weeks to 4 months old) to participate in Puppy Play Zone, you can purchase additional passes below.
1 Pack
5 Pack
10 Pack
You can watch this video here to learn how to create a PunchPass account, purchase passes and make reservations.
How to Register: To begin the process of joining our training programs please fill out this Training Intake Form. Once you complete the form our training team will review and reach out to you with training and scheduling options.
Notes: Students who arrive late to Puppy Play Zone may lose their spot to other clients even if they have pre-registered. Please arrive a few minutes ahead of the scheduled start time to secure your spot. No dogs will be permitted into class if they arrive 10-minutes or more after the scheduled start time of class or if the number of participants has reached our max-capacity. Please note that participation in Puppy Play Zone does not permit your pooch to utilize our daycare and/or boarding services. In order to attend daycare and/or boarding, you will need to schedule a Socialization Test. To schedule a Socialization test, please make an appointment with our Reservation Specialist.
Looking to begin your new pup's training journey? Looking for basic obedience, socialization and answers to all your puppy troubleshooting questions? Then Urban Pooch's Puppy FUNdamentals is for you! Each week has a theme and introduces new, age-appropriate exercises to make training simple and FUN! Topics include building confidence and social skills, loose leash walking, potty training, drop it, come when called, and crate comfort. Specially designed for puppies to start when they are between 8-16 weeks old, Urban PoochPuppy FUNdamentals is the perfect place to begin your pooch's training journey!
Class Series Note: This is a 6-week class. Students who register for class must commit to attending all four classes specific to that series at that same day/time until the class is completed. We do not allow hopping between class series as to not disturb the unique flow each class and the participating students develop along the way.
Here is a breakdown of the classes and what they cover:
Class #1: Puppy Priorities - Safety, Security, and Relationships
Class #2: Indoor Skills - Crates, Drop It, and Hand Manners
Class #3: Outdoor Skills - Intro to Connected Walking and Recall
Class #4: It's all just "Tricks" - How to leverage what your puppy knows
Class #5: Prep For AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test
Class #6: AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test
Age Requirements: Dogs must be between 8-16 weeks old at the start of class. However, dogs must be no older than 6 months by the end of class.
Vaccination & Health Requirements: Click here to view our vaccination requirements.
Cost: $225 for 6 classes
Duration: 60-Minutes Each
Wednesdays at 6:15pm
Instructor: Marisa Maines
Upcoming Class Dates: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2 & 4/9
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39479
Thursdays at 7:15pm
Instructor: Lyn Love
Upcoming Class Dates: 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 & 1/2 (No Class 11/28 & 12/26)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/37330
Fridays at 7:15pm
Instructor: Sharon Cierniak
Upcoming Class Dates: 3/7, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11 & 4/18 (No Class 3/14)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39617
Saturdays at 12:15pm
Instructor: Marisa Maines
Upcoming Class Dates: 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3 & 5/10
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/40022
How to Register: To begin the process of joining our training programs please fill out this Training Intake Form. Once you complete the form our training team will review and reach out to you with training and scheduling options.
Tug It, Fetch It, Drop It is a fun, high-energy, repeatable four-week class for dogs of all ages and their humans to learn how to PLAY and TRAIN with TOYS! The first goal of the class is for each team to develop and troubleshoot their Tug and Fetch games. This includes:
• Wait for permission to play - no grabbing!
• Bring the toy back - all the way!
• Release the toy when asked - to restart the game!
Teams will be coached individually on physical mechanics and exercises to improve both the FUN and SAFETY of their toy play. Depending on each team's skills and progress, other topics may be introduced. Toys are a great way to train obedience behaviors like Leave it and Stay, build impulse control, strengthen recalls, and teach a dog to listen and think when they're excited.
Who is this class for?
• Dogs and puppies of all ages are welcome!
• Toy interest is really the only prerequisite - dogs who are completely uninterested in chasing a moving toy won't get much out of this class.
• Kids 6 and up are welcome to observe but only adults will be playing in class.
• If your dog has shown conflict behaviors around toys (eg stiff growling, snapping, biting), please check in with the instructor prior to registering for this class to make sure we can provide a safe environment for you and your pup!
How will this class work?
• Teams will take turns playing in a secure area, one at a time, similar to a sports class. Humans will be able to watch and learn from everyone, but the dogs will not be visible to each other.
• Crates will be provided! Please bring a long-duration food item (such as a bully stick or lickimat) to help your dog settle between turns.
What will I need?
• Each team will start with a matched pair of two identical tug toys, at least 8 inches long. Squeakers are allowed for this class. Other types of toys may be discussed and added as needed.
• Also please bring 25-30 pea-sized training treats (you may or may not need them) and a long-lasting food item for crating (such as a bully stick or lickimat).
• All items will be available for purchase at the Training and Fitness Center!
Age Requirements: Dogs of all ages are welcome in this class
Vaccination & Health Requirements: Click here to view our vaccination requirements.
Cost: $150 for 4 classes
Duration: 60-Minutes per Class
Wednesdays at 6pm
Instructor: Pamela Davis
Upcoming Class Dates: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15 & 11/29 (No Class 11/22)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/30233
How to Register: To begin the process of joining our training programs please fill out this Training Intake Form. Once you complete the form our training team will review and reach out to you with training and scheduling options.
Our six-week Puppy Cooperative Care class is designed to set puppies up for a lifetime of success at the vet, the groomer, and at home by helping you and your pooch grow more comfortable with common grooming and veterinary tasks.
In classes centered around the idea of canine consent, you will learn to:
Age Requirements: 8 weeks - 6 months
Vaccination & Health Requirements: Click here to view our vaccination requirements.
Cost: $195 for 6 classes
Duration: 60-Minutes per Class
Tuesdays at 6pm
Instructor: Gabrielle Plascak
Upcoming Class Dates: 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20, 1/3 & 1/10 (No Class 11/22 & 12/27)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/24380
***All students who register for this class must submit all required health records and complete a Training Intake Form no later than 48 hours before the start date of the class. Students who do not meet that deadline will have their reservation cancelled.***
How to Register: To begin the process of joining our training programs please fill out this Training Intake Form. Once you complete the form our training team will review and reach out to you with training and scheduling options.
Do you have a "teenaged" pooch between 4 months and 9 months old? Have you recently finished Puppy FUNdamentals, but aren’t quite ready for our LEVELS program? Would you like to offer your older puppy an opportunity to polish their play skills? Our Junior Dog class will help you bridge the sometimes frustrating gap between the “too-cute-to-do-anything-wrong” phase and the polite, well-mannered adult you know is in there somewhere!
Junior Dog is an introduction to basic training for young dogs between 4 and 9 months old that understands the specific needs of this developmental period, as well as the unique challenges of raising a puppy in an urban environment. Special topics include focus/attention, impulse control, canine body language, and Place work, in addition to polite greetings and loose leash walking. Your instructors can help troubleshoot common problems, decode your pup's interactions with their peers, and guide you on next steps that fit your individual pooch. Each class comes with written instructions so the whole family can practice at home!
Vaccination & Health Requirements: Click here to view our vaccination requirements.
Cost: $160
Duration: 4-Classes/60-Minutes Each
Class Series Note: This is a 4-week class. Students who register for class must commit to attending all four classes specific to that series at that same day/time until the class is completed. We do not allow hopping between class series as to not disturb the unique flow each class and the participating students develop along the way.
Sundays at 10:15am
Instructor: Bobby Brown
Upcoming Class Dates: 3/9, 3/23, 3/30 & 4/6 (No Class 3/16)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39668
Thursdays at 6pm
Instructor: Lyn Love
Upcoming Class Dates: 2/27, 3/6, 3/13 & 3/26 (No Class 3/20)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39384
Thursdays at 8:30pm
Instructor: Lyn Love
Upcoming Class Dates: 3/13, 3/27, 4/3 & 4/10 (No Class 3/20)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39962
Saturdays at 11am
Instructor: Marisa Maines
Upcoming Class Dates: 3/9, 3/23, 3/30 & 4/6 (No Class 3/16)
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39668
How to Register: To begin the process of joining our training programs please fill out this Training Intake Form. Once you complete the form our training team will review and reach out to you with training and scheduling options.
While we understand that things do happen, the price for group classes takes into account the trainer working with everyone during the group class. If you need to miss a class, you can schedule a 30-minute make-up class at Urban Pooch for a cost of $30/make-up session. Thanks for understanding!
Our Puppy Agility Class is designed to build the proper foundation for your puppy to interact with agility equipment. Because puppies’ growth plates are not fully developed, we have created this program to help them safely experience the contact obstacles, floor level jumps, tunnels, floor level donuts, and targeting.
We want to build your puppy’s experience with agility in a positive and fun learning environment, so when your puppy is ready for Beginner Agility they will move to the head of the class!
Age Requirements: This class is designed for dogs between the ages of 10 weeks and 6 months old.
Vaccination & Health Requirements: Click here to view our vaccination requirements.
Cost: $240
Duration: 6-Classes/60-Minutes Each
How to Register: To begin the process of joining our training programs please fill out this Training Intake Form. Once you complete the form our training team will review and reach out to you with training and scheduling options.
Saturdays at 1:45pm
Instructor: Sharon Cierniak
Upcoming Class Dates: 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/19 & 4/26
Link to register for this class: https://app.punchpass.com/org/8136/series/39831
***All students who register for this class must have a Training Intake Form on file and have their rabies, bordetella and distemper vaccines up to date and on file with Urban Pooch no later than 48 hours before the start date of the class. Students who do not meet that deadline will have their reservation canceled. If you already have a training intake form on file, you do NOT need to submit another one.***
Policy on Missing Classes During Group Training Classes: While we understand that things do happen and students may need to miss a class or two during a given session, we do not offer make-up classes for agility. Due to the setup involved and the fluidity of agility training—students are always progressing in their skills no matter their level of experience—it is not possible to offer a class that would make up for what could have been learned during any single missed class. However, we do offer private sessions at the rate of $95 for a 45 minute session.